Articles for tag: Effects of Stress, Loss of Appetite, Paranoia

Warning Signs of Being Overstressed

Stress has a negative impact on people and impacts the ways they live. The cumulative nature of stress, can negatively impact or effect behavior. Stress is simply the daily pressures or tensions that people feel from every aspect or area of their lives. Stress can cause headaches, raise blood pressure, effect the process of digestion, ...

Karla News

Causes and Effects of Stress in Children

Most people figure that stress is something that affects adults only, but these days, with all the pressures put on children, they can suffer from it as well. Stress in children can have some very negative effects and if it continues for a long while, it can be detrimental to a child’s health and development. ...

Karla News

Canker Sores: Caused by Stress?

Canker sores are painful, open sores that develop on the inside of the mouth. They can have a yellow or white rim and generally are positioned on top of a swollen red bump. While they look and feel dreadful they are relatively benign in nature and are not contagious. Doctors think that there are a ...

Combat the Long Term Effects of Stress

The long term effects of stress can impact your physical and psychological health, as well as your lifestyle and your social relationships. Studies suggest that chronic tension, or stressful episodes that occur regularly over a substantial period of time, can make you vulnerable to a long list of disorders, conditions, and complications. Medically, these include ...