Articles for tag: Ear Drops, Ear Wax, Earwax

Karla News

How to Clean Wax from an Infant’s Ear

When proud parents bring their babies home, they marvel at those tiny smiles and play with those twinkling toes. They can see Grandma’s eyes, Grandpas toes and Uncle Charlie’s dimples, but there is harm in thinking that babies are just like pint sized versions of adults. Babies are as fragile as they are beautiful and ...

Home Remedies for Earwax Buildup

God put earwax in our ears for a reason. Earwax, or cerumen, is there to protect us by lubricating our ear canals and blocking dirt, bacteria, fungus and tiny insects from entering. However, there can be problems when there is too much earwax buildup and it becomes hard. These include difficulty in hearing, dizziness, vertigo, ...

Karla News

Natural Treatment for Eczema in Ears

When you have eczema in your ears it’s hard to say what’s worse- is it the insane itching in your outer ear and ear canal? Or is it the yellow, crusty ear wax that coats the whole inside of your ear and is even visible on the outside? If you’re tired of constantly trying to ...

What’s Causing the Ringing in My Ears?

Tinnitus is a condition that causes a person to hear sounds and noises that no one else can hear. Tinnitus is a fairly common condition that occurs in about 10% of the population. Tinnitus is normally found in the elderly however more recent studies have shown an increase in tinnitus occurrence in younger populations. More ...

Karla News

Tips for Cleaning a Baby’s Ears

All parents and caregivers want their babies to be clean and healthy. One of the ways we often try and help babies is by cleaning their ears. However before you go sticking a Q-tip or anything else in your child’s ear there are some things that you should know. First of all, what exactly is ...

Karla News

Homemade Remedies to Remove Excessive Earwax

Have you ever yawned and one or both of your ears clogged up? Or, have you blown your nose with a tissue, and suddenly you couldn’t hear well out of your left or right ear? It’s not always the problem, but it could mean you have an accumulation of earwax. The best way to determine ...

Karla News

5 Signs Your Cat Has Ear Mites

The ear mite, Otodectes cynotis, is pale and — as outlined by IPM North Carolina — only measures between 0.3 mm (males) and 0.5 mm (females). Larvae are no bigger than 0.2 mm. Cats are more commonly infested with ear mites than dogs. Now what? What are the odds of an ear mite infestation? When ...

Karla News

Causes of Ear Pain

The causes of ear pain tend to vary based on age. Children are far more likely than adults to acquire an ear infection whereas adults with ear pain tend to be dealing with conditions not directly related to the ear. Ear pain causes include an inner ear infection, swimmer’s ear, a ruptured eardrum, earwax blockage, ...

Possible Causes of an Earache

There are many potential causes of an earache. Most of these causes are related to either an infection or some sort of trauma. Ear infections in children occur so frequently that they are the most common reason that a child will be taken to see a doctor. Despite the frequency in children, earaches are common ...