Articles for tag: Baby Slings, Dr. Sears

Karla News

When Attachment Parenting Isn’t Right: Rebutting Dr. Sears

The recent vogue of attachment parenting was begun largely by Dr. Sears- a pediatrician and author of more than 30 children’s books. The basic principals are that the baby should always be worn by you- usually in a sling, the baby should sleep with you, pretty much in perpetuity, breastfeeding into toddlerhood, and avoiding frequent ...

Karla News

Baby Acne or Eczema — What’s the Difference?

Newborn babies are especially prone to rashes. Rashes can range from simple baby acne to full-blown eczema or an allergic reaction. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference, or to know what to do. Here are some hints. Baby Acne Almost all newborns will show signs of baby acne. It commonly shows up around two ...

Karla News

How to Stop Bedwetting in Girls

Bedwetting can quickly escalate from a mild inconvenience to a seemingly major emotional trauma, especially when children are old enough to become embarrassed by the situation. If your daughter is caught in the cycle of bedwetting, there are certain things that parents can do to both stop and manage bedwetting in girls. Take your child ...

Chefs Diet: Chef Prepared Food Delivered to Your Door

Chef prepared food delivered to your door is the dream for most people. Well, Chef’s Diet is a service that delivers Chef prepared food to your door based on your lifestyle, dietary needs and choices. Chef’s Diet may be one of the premier meal choices of many of Hollywood’s major stars, however Chefs Diet is ...