Articles for tag: Diatomaceous Earth, Kill Fleas, Upholstered Furniture

Karla News

Eliminate Fleas from the Home Once and for All

If you see one flea inside your home, there are bound to be hundreds more to follow. Fleas are parasitic insects that bite pets and humans, and will multiply to uncontrollable numbers in a very short amount of time. Chances are, if you have an animal that spends any time outdoors, you will have to ...

Karla News

How to Remove Stains from Marble

Marble countertops and floors can add so much beauty and elegance to a home. However, because marble is a very porous material, it can stain easily. Removing the stain from marble is not a difficult one, but it does require time and patience. You can create a material called a poultice which will actually re-absorb ...

Karla News

Fight Fleas with Natural Home Remedies

The infestation of Ctenocephalides canis, better known as the dog flea, is a big problem for dogs and their families during the warm weather in many parts of the country. Instead of using harsh chemicals, fleas can be controlled using natural home remedies. This is a much safer method for your dog and for your ...

Karla News

Worming Dogs and Cats: Natural Alternatives

If you don’t like the idea of giving your pets harsh chemicals to eliminate parasites, there are a few alternatives. People have been using natural herbs and substances to control parasite infestation in animals and people for centuries. The difference between natural parasite control and chemical parasite control is that natural control is an ongoing ...

Karla News

Kill Indoor Bugs Without Pesticides

No one wants to see bugs inside the house, but most of us are a bit hesitant to use dangerous pesticides to kill them. This is especially true in homes with small children or pets. Thankfully, there are safer options for getting rid of most indoor bugs. Whether you have an overrun of ants, flies, ...