Articles for tag: Brain Aneurysm, Csf, Rupture

What Can Be Done for Brain Aneurysms?

A brain aneurysm is an unusual bulging out of the wall of the blood vessel that carries blood to the brain. The blood pressure within an aneurysm may cause can cause a brain aneurysm to rupture. Aneurysms of the blood vessels in the brain are fairly common. Many people are walking around with aneurysms and ...

Karla News

Ten Facts About Cat Scratch Fever

Ten facts about Cat Scratch Fever #1) Cat scratch fever is not only a song, (a classic at that!) but also an infectious bacteria disease most commonly brought on by a bite or scratch by a feline. Ten facts about Cat Scratch Fever #2) Henri Parinaud first mentioned Cat Scratch Fever (CSF) in medical literature ...

What is a Lumbar Puncture and What Will I Experience?

What is a lumbar puncture? A lumbar puncture is a test that is used to extract cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the spinal canal and measure the pressure of the CSF. A lumbar puncture may be ordered as a diagnostic tool to evaluate a patient for certain conditions of the brain or spine, like meningitis, Multiple ...

Nosocomial Bacterial Meningitis

Nosocomial Bacterial Meningitis Recently, the New England Journal of Medicine ran an interesting article reviewing nosocomial bacterial meningitis, or bacterial meningitis caused by a hospital intervention such as brain surgery. As microbial resistance becomes more common, it is ever more important to consider a nosocomial source for an infection in a hospitalized patient, or a ...

Karla News

Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia (NKH)

Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia (NKH) A few months ago, a couple I know had twin girls. Beautiful, perfect babies, healthy and thriving …or so we thought… A few hours after they were born, thing began to happen. They became lethargic and could not be awakened. They ceased to respond. They were locked away in a deep, unresponsive ...