Articles for tag: Bridal Shower Games, Creative Bridal Shower Games, How We Met

Karla News

Funny Bridal Shower Games Your Guests Will Enjoy

Bridal shower guests might be dreading the inevitable games they’ll have to play over the course of the event, but they’ll leave with smiles on their faces if they’ve gotten a good chuckle along the way. The following five games have an element of humor that are sure to make your guests laugh – and ...

Karla News

Fun Inexpensive Bridal Shower Games

One of the most fun parts of getting married is the bridal showers. Not only do these events help you get the items you need to setup your home they also give you a chance to step back and enjoy this special time in your life. They are a few hours out of a day ...

Karla News

Creative Bridal Shower Games

Your best friend just announced she is going to get married. You want only the best for her during this memorable time. You have planned out everything, including the guest list, invitations, tables and the brunch menu. Creative bridal shower games will make a memorable occasion for the bride-to-be. Here are some creative games that ...

Karla News

Choosing Your Wedding Lingerie

All the details that a bride needs to worry about to make her wedding day as special and memorable as possible takes a lot of time and consideration. But among all these fine details, you don’t want to forget about that special wedding night and picking the right wedding lingerie should be one of the ...

Karla News

Fun and Unique Bridal Shower Games

Traditionally, shower games are corny, silly, and embarrassing – both for the bride, and the participants. Rather than subject yourself (or your friends) to the usual humiliation, why not organize some fun, fresh, and unique bridal shower games? You could spend hours devising them yourself, of course. Or you could read this article and save ...