Articles for tag: Cracked Lips, Summer Fruit, Summer Fruits

Karla News

Eos Lip Balm in Summer Fruit

As anyone who has read my past review will know, I suffer from horribly dried lips. While I have found some great balms, they still lack the portable element because you have to get your fingers dirty, and they are not very hygienic. However, sometimes with stick balms, the mechanism stops working and you have ...

Karla News

Carmex Lip Balm Product Review

Carmex is a topical lip balm which is formulated to help reduce cold sores and relieve dry and or chapped lips. It is available in jars, sticks, and squeezable tubes. Carmex has been around since 1937 and over one billion jars have been sold since then and still has the original formula that gives your ...

Karla News

Reviewing the Body Shop’s Lip Butters

The Body Shop provides the dried, cracked world with moisturizing support through their line of health promoting products. Their body butter has been a hit with heels from all walks of life, and so one would think that their companion product designed specifically for your lips would be just as good. Their lip butters supposedly ...

Karla News

Best Hydrating Lip Balms for Cold, Winter Weather

Yup, it’s that time of year when those soft , kissable lips of yours turn into a scaly monster. Your best bet is to break out the lip balm. The problem is there are so many out there; which is the best one to use? The answer is to try out a few and then ...

Karla News

Natural Treatment for Chapped Lips

The worst thing about having chapped lips is once you have them, it seems to never go away. It becomes a constant habit to constantly lick your lips when you need to moisturize them, and most chapsticks simply relieve your symptoms rather than cure the dryness that causes the problem to begin with. Learn at-home ...