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Reviewing the Body Shop’s Lip Butters

Body Butters, Body Shop, Cracked Lips, Lip Butter, The Body Shop

The Body Shop provides the dried, cracked world with moisturizing support through their line of health promoting products. Their body butter has been a hit with heels from all walks of life, and so one would think that their companion product designed specifically for your lips would be just as good. Their lip butters supposedly carry the same moisturizing punch as body butter and come in the same classic scents (e.g. coconut and passion fruit). But do they?

There is no question that the scents are great and work wonderfully on your lips as well as your limbs. But what I don’t understand is why the lip butter isn’t richer. It is very thin and doesn’t come out as ‘jelly-like’ as inexpensive lip balms that come in a similar canister form. When I started using this lip butter, I had dried lips from holiday travel and being exposed to the elements more than usual. But when I first applied it, it had already absorbed into my lips in seconds and didn’t condition them at all. After multiple applications with similar results, I used a regular chapstick to restore my lips. It felt like a thinner version of petroleum jelly, with even less healing power.

But I believe in second chances, so I gave it another try after my lips were back to normal. Unfortunately, all it did was leave a gloss finish but didn’t seem to condition them at all. When you press your lips together it seems to just rub off. However, it did work better than the previous try. I would say that it isn’t a good formula to use for already cracked lips, but is good for normal lips that don’t tend to get dry. Some of The Body Shop’s other lip treatment products are more effective, like the “born lippy balm” collection. These lip balms smooth over your lips easily and are also in pleasant tropical scents.

See also  Scent-sational and Softening: Bath and Body Works Body Butter

For a little 10 ml. tub of lip butter from the Body Shop you will expect to pay $6.00. I don’t doubt that the plastic tub is durable, as it is crafted from the same plastic as the much larger tub of body butters. I would assume this is intentional so that you will ‘believe’ that the contents are of the same efficacy as their popular counterparts. Yet the born lippy balms are a dollar cheaper than the lip butters and work much better.

The only reason I would assume one could justify spending $6.00 on a lip balm is because it matches your favorite body butter scent. It gives you that same great aroma stowed conveniently in a purse or bag, without having greasy hands afterwards. So, if you are a chapstick addict (who generally doesn’t need it, but loves to apply it all day), than this is perfect and long-lasting for multiple daily applications.