Articles for tag: Cortisone, Seborrheic Dermatitis

Treatment for Dandruff in Kids

You’ve discovered that your kid has dandruff. As unattractive as that may be, at least it’s not head lice, which can be pretty difficult to treat. Here’s what you need to do to get rid of the flakes. Check it Out First, take your child to see your health care practitioner. Dandruff is one form ...

Karla News

Vitamins that Change Hair from Gray to Fabulous

Vitamins for hair; I’ve tried a lot of them hoping to get thicker, faster growing, shiny-soft glamorous hair. Some seemed to help, but wound up giving me faster growing nails. I never thought about vitamins or vitamin combinations that could let you say goodbye to gray hair. Dying hair does a lot of damage that ...

Natural Treatments for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that affects millions of Americans. Its symptoms include redness and itchiness. The affected skin areas become thick with whitish flakes of skin. Most often, this disease affects the scalp, the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, knees, elbows, and the lower back. Although a cure hasn’t ...

Karla News

Dealing with Chronic Pain: A Torn Labrum

Just over one year ago, I fell in the kitchen and thought the extent of my injury was a bruised forearm. Six months later, I began to feel intense pain in my shoulder following my weekends at work. It developed into a chronic pain forcing me to visit my doctor who diagnosed it as possible ...

My Poison Ivy Rash Turned into Cellulitis

One of the perils of working in gardens in the summers is the omni-present poison ivy. Some people are fortunate enough to be completely immune to it. Others of us are not so fortunate. And no matter how careful I seem to be, two years in a row now, I have gotten a nasty case ...

Karla News

How to Exercise with Tendonitis

How to Exercise with Tendonitis – After dealing with Tendonitis for over ten years, I’m going to tell you- It’s not easy to deal with, and you can really damage yourself further if proper precautions aren’t taken to help prevent further injury. As with any exercise routine and medical condition, it’s always best to consult ...

Karla News

The Best Way to Treat Acne Nodules

If you are looking out for a way to treat acne nodules, you may have a tough time searching for the right treatment option. Acne nodules are also commonly known as cystic acne. They are hard, pus-filled lesions that are developed under the skin. Common medications, such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide have not ...

Pet Diseases-Cushing Disease in Dogs

Cushing’s Disease(hyperadrenocorticism) is a major metabolic disorder and is relatively common in dogs. Certain breeds of dogs are more prone to Cushing’s Disease than others especially Beagles, Boston Terriers, Boxers, Dachshunds, Poodles, and Yorkshire Terriers. This is generally a disease of older pets. Gender doesn’t seem to matter much. Cushing’s Disease( hyperadrenocorticism) affects the adrenal ...

Cortisone Shots – Are There Side Effects?

Cortisone shots, or injections, can be a safe and effective way to temporarily reduce pain for many people. These are especially effective with back or joint pain. I know several people who get cortisone shots on a regular basis for back pain. Like any other medication, cortisone shots can cause side effects in some people. ...

Karla News

Homemade Remedies to Treat Allergic Asthma

Asthma is categorized as being either a.Chronic, or b. Allergic. Both forms of this lung condition cause the sufferers to have “attacks.” An “Asthma Attack” is when the airways of a person’s lungs contract and become narrow. The narrowness makes it difficult for the person to breathe. Chronic Asthma sufferers need to be monitored by ...