Articles for tag: Athletic Scholarship, Communications Degree

Karla News

Your High School Graduating Class – Where Are They Now?

When you graduated from high school, your first thought was probably one of relief. But looking back on it now, you begin to wonder- what ever became of all those kids that made your life a living hell? You may not be aware of this, but it’s a proven fact that every high school in ...

Karla News

Host Your Own Internet Radio Show

Many people have strong opinions about things nowadays, whether it’s about current events or discussing a specific issue like politics. In the past many aspiring radio deejays were literally locked out of the radio entertainment business because they did not have a Mass Communications Degree, was unable to get an entry level position within the ...

Karla News

The Truth Behind Door to Door Salespeople

There you are sitting on the couch trying to relax after a long day at work, and the door bell rings. You think to yourself “Who could this be? Nobody uses the front door.” This should be your first tip off. When someone comes by during prime time they are usually there to try and ...

Karla News

Interview with Sebastian Maniscalco

Sebastian Maniscalo has been pursing his stand-up career for ten years now and another “golden boy” of comedy has come through a lot of hard work and sacrifice. Sebastian has been on many late show programs but his recent role in Vince Vaughn Wild West Comedy Show (VVWWCS) has enabled Sebastian’s star to grow. The ...

Karla News

Careers for a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications

Believe it or not, a degree in communications can prepare you for a very diverse range of career opportunities. As a major in communications, specifically public relations, I learned many skills that were easily transferrable to a number of very different jobs. So what can you do with a Bachelor’s in Communications? Just about anything ...