Articles for tag: Color Psychology

Printable Color Wheels in Photoshop

So often, the things that I try to help others with turns into an entire conversation about color. Whether it’s trying to help someone understand the importance of a color palette in web design, or trying to help a friend repaint her home, I always come back to the whole concept of color psychology and ...

Economic Factors Affecting Business

The current status of the economy is directly related to the sale of power tools and how well Able Corporation perform. Tough times and a struggling economy leads to less building and less improving on owned property and therefore, less sales for the power tool business is likely. Besides economic indices, there are other tangentially-related ...

Karla News

How Paint Colors Can Affect Your Mood

Whether you realize it or not, the color on your walls can have a significant influence over your daily mood. Choosing the right colors for the right room can help you create a welcoming feeling in your home. Here, you’ll get an idea on which colors are appropriate for which rooms, based on what they ...

Karla News

Colors: Words and Meaning

Colors often have different meanings in various cultures. The meanings of various colors have changed over the years. BLACK Black: Black is the color of authority and power.The term “black” is often used in the West to denote the race of people whose skin color ranges from light to darker shades of brown. In ancient ...