Articles for tag: Colony Collapse Disorder, Honey Bees

What is Happening to the Honey Bees?

In 2006, something was noticed by beekeepers here and around the world. The honey bee was disappearing. And it was happening at such a rate that it left many of them scratching their heads in wonder. It wasn’t just a few bees that come up missing, it was 50 to 90% of them! Hives that ...

Karla News

Killer Bees Move North into Major Cities

“Killer Bees” also referred to as “Africanized Bees” by biologists and beekeepers, have been expanding their range into populated urban areas and cities in a northward expansion, as global warming raises the average annual temperatures. The nickname “Killer” originated in agricultural areas where livestock and even humans were killed by accidentally disturbed colonies of the ...

Karla News

5 Ways to Help Endangered Invertebrates

When you think of endangered animals, what do you picture? Odds are good that you envision an exotic, beautiful mammal such as the giant panda, Siberian tiger, or Indian elephant. But among these visually stunning icons of the natural world, thousands of endangered animals go unnoticed. Invertebrates, such as insects, mollusks, crustaceans, and snails, lack ...

Karla News

Mystery of the Missing Honey Bees

There’s a lot to admire about the honey bee. They are often seen a symbol of an industrious good work ethic, as exemplified in the phrase “busy as a bee.” Of course, bees can also be deadly, a single bee sting in a person allergic to bees could result in a life threatening condition called ...