Articles for tag: Cold Remedy, Cvs, Zicam

Healthiest Things to Add to Your Tea

There are about as many (potentially healthy) options to add to your tea as there are varieties of teas themselves (alright, maybe not quite so many options as there are teas themselves, but the point still stands). So how do you know what sort of tea additive is the most healthy choice for you? Read ...

Karla News

Product Review: Zicam Cold Remedy Rapid Melts

I being a mother of three get to endure a large variety of different sicknesses that my children bring home to me from school and daycare. Children are like disease carrying petri dishes absorbing everything in their path. Every month of the year it is something different from the cold, to the flu and ear ...

Karla News

Airborne(TM) Versus Zicam(TM)

Airborne and Zicam are two popular homeopathic cold remedies on the market today. You’ve probably seen their television commercials. Both claim they can successfully ward off the common cold if you take their products at the onset. But, do the question is, do they really work? I’ve been healthy this winter- knock on wood- so ...

Karla News

How to Deal with a Cold when Breastfeeding

Suffering a cold when you are breastfeeding brings a plethora of discomfort. Not only does it harm your health, it can also potentially harm your baby’s health. The fact that it cannot be easily remedied by over-the-counter medications makes it more of a nuisance. In addition, not all medications are safe for breastfeeding mothers. Hence, ...

Karla News

Product Review: Zicam Cold Remedy

Well, it’s cold and flu season in my part of the country and I thought that I’d share a great new product with you. Zicam Cold Remedy hit the market recently and, in my opinion, is nothing short of amazing. Never have I had a cold remedy product that has worked so well in my ...

Horehound: Grandma’s Cough Drops

Horehound (marrubium vulgare) has a long history as a medicinal herb. Through the centuries it has been used to repel scorpions, flies and spiders from the garden. Horehound has also been used to cleanse the eyes and ears, rid people of jaundice, help with childbirth and in large doses, work as a laxative. In ancient ...

Karla News

Creative Cold Remedies for Kids

If you have kids, it’s inevitable that the common cold will rear its ugly head in your home. No matter how many healthy habits you employ, most kids experience stuffy noses, sore throats, sneezing and coughing at least once during the year. And while every family has tried-and-true remedies to treat these miserable symptoms, many ...

Karla News

Homeopathic Cold Remedies for Infants

According to Dr. Mark Widome, a pediatrician located in Pennsylvania, homeopathic cold remedies for infants work equally well when compared to traditional over-the-counter remedies. While Dr. Widome suggests that ear infections should be treated by a doctor because hearing loss can result if improperly treated, many homeopathic cold remedies offer positive ways for treating infants ...