Articles for tag: Carafe, Coffee Brewing, Coffeemaker, Thermos

Karla News

How Long Does Brewed Coffee Stay Fresh?

I’m a coffee drinker. There’s nothing better than a cup of fresh, hot Joe to get my engine going in the morning. I’m not a big coffee drinker, so I don’t brew a pot unless there’s someone else around to help me drink it. Because, once it’s made, coffee can go downhill fast. It can ...

Karla News

Mr. Coffee Elite Programmable Coffeemaker

When I got my first apartment, the first thing I needed to buy for it was a coffeemaker, since I knew I could not do anything else until I had coffee in me. I thought it would be nice to have a programmable coffee pot, so the coffee would be ready for me when I ...

Karla News

Product Review: Cuisinart Grind and Brew Coffee Makers

All of the Cuisinart Grind & Brew coffee makers have a fatal flaw: they are impossible to clean. The newest models are black, which makes the crud harder to see, but it’s there. The problem is not the grinder and the coffee basket, which only take a few moments to hand wash. It’s the rest ...

Karla News

Beaumont Kona Coffee: Product Review

Although coffee is considered a luxury item, for many people, myself included, it is a necessity. I love waking up to the scent of freshly brewed coffee in the house and then starting my day with two cups of the strong, hot brew. What I don’t love is the ever increasing prices of my favorite ...

Karla News

Mr. Coffee Mini Coffee Maker–Perfect for Singles and Students

I’ve always loved great coffee and find myself pretty discriminating with regards to taste. You have to buy the best beans and grind them yourself, as coffee flavors are carried in the oils. Those oils deteriorate faster when they’re ground and exposed to air. But coffeemakers are important too. The drip release of the water ...

Vinegar: The Miracle Ingredient in Homemade Cleaners

Millions of people are starting to realize the advantages of using homemade household cleaners. Unlike commercial household cleaners, homemade cleaners don’t contain harsh and potentially dangerous chemicals. And homemade cleaners are less expensive than commercial brands. In fact, you probably have the ingredients for many effective homemade cleaners in your kitchen right now. When I ...

Braun AromaDeluxe Coffeemaker-Product Review

I purchased a Braun AromaDeluxe coffeemaker three months ago. Until I found the Braun AromaDeluxe, I was getting frustrated. All I wanted was an affordable coffeemaker with a sleek design that didn’t require “programming” or offer a ton of extra features that I was never going to use. Was that too much to ask? After ...