Articles for tag: Closet Organization, Closet Organizers, Work Shoes

Karla News

How to Declutter Your Clothes Closet

You clothes closet should be decluttered at least twice a year, in the spring and fall. But occasionally it may need a more thorough reorganizing. Here are some steps you can take to make the job easier and more productive. Before you take anything out of your clothes closet or start sorting and organizing, do ...

Karla News

Build Your Own Closet Organizer

You’ve finally got that walk-in closet you’ve always wanted. Now that you can buy all the clothes and shoes you want (or at least some of them), don’t spend all your money on the installation of a closet organizer. Build it yourself. Seeing my own closet in disarray, I got online and looked at the ...

Karla News

Closet Decorating Ideas

Closets are an essential part of your home ‘” it’s very important to organize them well and to find room for all your family belongings. Closets are never large enough ‘” and every family with kids knows that very well. The amount of clothes, toys, books and other stuff a kid needs are really hard ...

Karla News

Best Dorm Room Ideas and Tips

College is the first chance most young adults get to go off and live on their own. There are so many responsibilities that comes with college. Most students are looking forward to living away from home for the first time and are excited to start their new life in a dorm room designed just for ...

Hanging Cardboard Box Storage Solutions

Over the holidays, or throughout the year, a person can accumulate quite a few cardboard boxes. Sure, any dumb-dumb knows that you can store stuff in boxes, but not everyone is aware of the many different types of storage solutions you can create using cardboard boxes. Boxes with thick cardboard are the best ones for ...

DIY Guide to Wooden Organizers

Organizers can be a great addition to any room. Whether your goal is organizing a closet or a utility room, building custom wooden organizers is a great idea to add usability and value to your space. Closet Organizers: These are great for anyone who shares a closet with another person. Personally I am not sure ...

Organize Household Chores and Free Up the Weekend

Chores exist in every household regardless of marital status, number of children and profession. Completing what seems at times like a never-ending list of tasks in the shortest amount of time possible is necessary if you want a chore free weekend. To get started organizing house chores, follow these steps. Write down chores by room ...