Articles for tag: African Cichlids, Angelfish, Cichlids

Karla News

The Gold Nugget Plecostomus: No Tropical Fish Tank Should Be Without One!

The Gold Nugget Plecostomus is a member of the Loricariidae family which groups the sucker mouth catfish, known as Plecostomus, or “pleco” for short. This particular species of suckermouth cat hails from the Rio Xingu and Rio Iriri rivers of Brazil, South America. The Gold Nugget pleco is a very popular species of suckermouth cats ...

Karla News

Oscar Fish Care: Diet and Feeding Habits

Oscars (also called velvet cichlids) get very large for freshwater pet fish — fourteen inches from nose to tail is not uncommon. Part of the reason for their large size and their incredible strength is because they eat smaller fish. There is no such thing as a vegetarian Oscar. Although I have never seen an ...

Karla News

Caring for Your Oscars (Fish)

Getting to know Oscars While the popular American pets remain to be man’s best friend and the purring feline house cat, people are beginning to become more familiar with another pet that lives within the confines of a glassed Aquarium. Oscars, are the most popular fish among pet owners in America because of there large ...

Karla News

Feeding Your Oscars (Fish)

Owner Oscars can be quite the task when it comes to tank maintenance and ensuring that they are healthy. The wrong tank size, bad filtering, and incorrect water levels can spell doom for these fish. Another huge responsibility that you must make is finding the right food for Oscars. There are a lot of people ...

Karla News

Keeping Cichlids

Keeping an aquarium is a fairly common hobby. Many people have goldfish or guppies, which are perfect for children and families on the go. If you want to go further with keeping an aquarium at home, however, consider cichlids. Cichlids are a large family of fish (over 1500 varieties) that span much of the globe ...

Karla News

Blind Cave Tetra Fact Sheet

Blind Cave Tetra Fact Sheet The “Blind Cave Tetra”, “Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus”, is a very unusual fish. It is completely devoid of skin pigments and has a pink skin due to the haemoglobin in its blood. The most distinctive part is that it has no eyes as an adult. For the first two weeks of ...

Karla News

Breeding Jack Dempsey Fish

Jack Dempsy cichlids (Nandopis octofasciatus) are not the smartest fish in the sea. They cannot seem to tell which of them are male and which are female. If you think you have problems telling a male for a female Jack Dempsy apart, at least you can console yourself knowing that you’re not alone. Females that ...

Karla News

African Cichlids: Owner’s Guide for Newbies

I am happy to say that I have 5 aquariums with African Cichlids. In them you will find all of the different stages in their developmental life. From babies (fry) to full grown males and females. I knew very little about African Cichlids before my husband and I started the adventure of buying our first ...

Karla News

Glowlight Tetra Fact Sheet

The Glowlight Tetra, Hemigrammus erythrozonus is a peaceful little fish. The other common names of theGlowlight Tetra are variations on the spelling of Glowlight Tetra; Glo-light tetra, Glolight and Glolight. The Glowlight Tetra usually grows to about one inch (2.5cm) long although there are reports of ones as big as one and a half times ...

Karla News

Choosing Fish for Your Tropical Aquarium

So you have set up your new tropical aquarium. That’s great! You have taken the first step to enjoying a fun new hobby. If you are a beginner, you might want to check out Tips for Starting Your Own Tropical Aquarium. You must understand the nitrogen cycle and why it is important not to overload ...