Articles for tag: Bed Linens, Childhood Asthma, Pet Dander

Karla News

Adult Onset Asthma – Symptoms and Prevention Tips

Asthma has long been viewed as an illness which presents and gets diagnosed during childhood and overlooked as a potential adulthood illness. Adults can develop asthma and it can be more detrimental to health during adulthood than during childhood because the symptoms are often dismissed and allowed to run rampant. Symptoms of Adult Asthma Adult ...

Is My Child’s Asthma Attack an Emergency?

Not every asthma attack will require a visit to the hospital emergency room. But how do you tell when an asthma attack warrants a hospital visit. If you found this writeup, you may be asking yourself “Is my child’s asthma attack an emergency?” As a mother who has been through this countless times before with ...

Karla News

What are the Health Benefits of Brown Rice?

Brown rice is a healthy fiber and vitamin rich food with a multitude of health benefits. Unlike white rice, brown rice only has the outermost layer of the rice kernel removed, the hull, leaving much of the nutritional value of the rice in tact. In fact, white rice is required to be enriched by the ...

Deficiency of Vitamin E in Pregnant Women

Deficiency of Vitamin E in Pregnant Women According to a study in The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, pregnant women who do not get enough Vitamin E may have children who are at a higher risk of suffering from asthma. The research reveals that the early life nutrient intake, both in the ...

Karla News

Possible Cure for Phthalate Ester-Induced Allergic Asthma

Asthma is a medical condition that causes inflammation of the airways in the lungs, chest tightness, shortness of breath and coughing. Asthma affects more than 1 in 10 children and 1 in 12 adults in the United States. In addition to the steadily increasing rate of asthma sufferers, the number of asthma deaths per year ...