Articles for tag: Caesarean Section, Childbirth, Epidural, Labor Pains, Lamaze

Karla News

Pregnancy 101: Packing for Labor

Prior to the birth of a child, one of the last concerns you may have is the expertise with which the hospital overnight bag is packed. Thanks to countless television enactments, parents-to-be often imagine a mad-dash to the hospital, woman screaming in agony, both fearing the child will need birthed in the car. Most energy ...

Childbirth Classes in Louisville, Kentucky

Preparing for a baby’s arrival is quite an event in itself. There are so many things to get done, baby items to purchase, and then there are all the questions that new moms have concerning what exactly is going to happen during childbirth. Childbirth classes are an excellent idea for any new mom, especially first-time ...

How to Get Through Labor Without Drugs

If you think there are risks that come with taking an epidural during labor, you are correct. In fact, up to 23% of women who have an epidural during labor will experience some complications. Epidural side effects range from vomiting, fever, shaking and headaches, to low blood pressure, fetal distress, vacuum extraction, forceps delivery, and ...