Articles for tag: Child Discipline, Effective Discipline, Parenting Strategies

Karla News

1-2-3 Magic: Thomas W. Phelan’s Child Discipline Technique

If you’re a parent or teacher who is interested in non-spanking discipline techniques, you’ve probably heard of “1-2-3 Magic” at least in passing. You’ve probably even used some variation of it and not known it. What is “1-2-3 Magic”? Will it work for your child? Read on. 1-2-3 Magic is a child discipline method developed ...

Karla News

1-2-3 Magic Video is Magic for Parents and Children

I learned something recently. Something that I knew but didn’t totally understand. Think about this for a second and what it means to you. Parenting is not a democracy. 1 second.. I have always known this and have written about how you need to take charge and not talk too much when disciplining but until ...

Karla News

The Best Spoof Sites on the Internet

Of all the Internet’s many treasures, none are as clever as the spoof Web site. Hilarious or offensive, silly or disturbing, a good spoof site never fails to pop your eyes open and make you say, “WTF!” out loud. In essence, a spoof site is a humorous but fake Web site. The best are those ...

Karla News

The Starburst Method for Easy Content Creation

Finding new ideas for your web content or articles can be a big problem. However, there is a great method for coming up with topics called the Starburst Method. By using this simple method, you will be able to create an infinite number of content article topics or keywords that coincide with your online business. ...

Karla News

Handling Aggression in Young Children

We all want our children to be assertive, but when assertive turns to aggressive (biting, punching, kicking, pinching) something needs to be done. It’s hard to know what to do when your adorable small child turns into a mean machine. You are probably bewildered by this behavior, and may be at your wits’ end trying ...