Articles for tag: Chiggers, Drug Stores, Insect Spray, Mosquito Repellents

Karla News

The Best Mosquito Repellents

Mosquitoes can be quite dangerous throughout the summer months. It is important to keep yourself and your family protected from the pesky bites and the possibility of disease. I have found that the following repellents work the best. Off brand soft and dry mosquito repellent is a wonderful choice for those who do not want ...

Karla News

Insect Damage to Lawn

There are many insects which can be good to your garden and it is a natural instinct to reach out for the pesticides/insecticides as soon as you see some movements in your well-trimmed lawns; so wait before you proceed as recognizing the lawn insects is quite important. Some of the common types of harmful lawn ...

Karla News

Poisonous Spiders of Southern Illinois

I was thrilled to move to Southern Illinois. Poisonous spiders and snakes and evil insects were not on my mind. This was a great new adventure. Clearly, I remember my first day and moving into my own apartment. It was particularly sweet or so I thought that it was May and warm enough that I ...

Karla News

How to Identify Insect Bites

Over the last few years, insect bites that are responsible for diseases and illnesses have been on the rise. In rural areas, the cases of Lyme disease and tick-related illness have become more prevalent. Mosquito bites can cause diseases such as the West Nile virus and Yellow fever and if there is an allergic reaction, ...

Karla News

A Chiggers Bite and Relief

Chiggers are small tiny little bugs that are hard to see. They are so minute that you could place them on a pinhead and would have a hard time seeing them. Chiggers live on weeds and will gladly jump on anything that walks or runs through a weed patch or happens past a single weed. ...

Karla News

Chiggers, the Pest that Will Create Summer Destruction

Chiggers, the tiny outdoor pests which attach themselves to the most sensitive areas of your skin can create irritation to such an extent that anyone inflicted with bites may never want to step out into the outdoors again. In many states this summer, especially Texas, the spread of chiggers will be rampant. Understanding the habitat ...