Articles for tag: Cheapskates, Sell Your Stuff

Karla News

Selling Items on Craigslist

Having a garage sale or yard sale at your house is a very effective way to earn some dough for your items, but is it worth the trouble? The process can be tedious and time-consuming, as you have to obtain a city permit (in most areas), set up your front yard/garage, place stickers on all ...

Karla News

Review of Indianapolis’s First “Bubble Tea” House

1995: A FIRST TASTE OF BUBBLE TEA Late one Sunday morning about 15 years ago, I emerged from my apartment with a very happy but slightly hung-over Evelyn – my then beloved and wonderfully fashionable significant other of two years (see IMAGE 2). She had been talking excitedly for some days about a great new ...

Karla News

Should You Use Pallets to Make Indoor Furniture?

Pallets…they are everywhere free for the taking. I became interested in repurposing pallets when I found an article on making a vertical garden from a pallet. If so inclined, you can get enough free pallets to build a house, and some people are doing just that. The amount of free wood in pallets is just ...

Karla News

The Best Casinos in South Florida

Florida has always had its share of gambling. The Seminoles started setting up bingo and poker parlors as soon as Henry Flagler constructed his first luxury hotels around South Beach. Then the dog and horse tracks started sprawling across the coast line shortly thereafter. Then the cruise lines started spinning roulette wheels and populating the ...