Articles for tag: C Section, Cesarean, Cesarean Section

Karla News

Cesarean Sections: Directions & Types of Uterine Scars

Cesarean sections may seem simple enough, but there are many different ways that they can be performed and the scars left by the cesarean vary greatly. The direction and type of scar a woman has may affect her ability to birth vaginally with subsequent pregnancies. The scars that deviate from the typical low-transverse are often ...

The Health Impact of Adhesions Attributed to C-Section

Pregnancy brings about many life changing experiences and emotions. For many women, the bodily change process involved with pregnancy can be, at times, overwhelming. For many women, delivery of a newborn by cesarean section, also known as c-section, brings about additional health issues, including bodily changes, for which a woman may not have anticipated. This ...

Pain Relief After a Cesarean Section

After you have had a cesarean section the doctors in the hospital will provide you with adequate pain relief, but what happens once you go home? The doctor will provide medication that will alleviate pain at home, but the medication will usually run out long before the pain stops and you must know how to ...

Karla News

Doctors Push for VBACs Even with Twins

Lying in my hospital bed after my second daughter was born, I felt sorry for my roommate who had just had her second baby surgically delivered by cesarean section. Although both of us had our first babies delivered by C-section (my older child was breech and couldn’t be safely turned), my roommate opted to have ...