Articles for tag: Carelessness, First Marathon, Shin Splints

Karla News

Slip and Fall Personal Injury Settlements

Everyone slips or falls at some point in their life, but this does not mean that people can always sue�to obtain a�personal injury settlement for their injuries. However, more and more “Slip and Fall” personal injury settlements are won each year due to recent media coverage on the issue and a call-to-action by the public. ...

Karla News

When Your Pet Snake Bites

Many times bites from snakes are due to owner negligence. Carelessness can mean getting bit and many experienced snake owners say if you haven’t been bitten yet it’s coming. Due to most keeping snakes that are not poisonous or “hot” snakes, this is just about that group. A bite can hurt, it’ll bleed and the ...

Karla News

Forest Fires: Manmade vs. Natural Causes

In 2007, there were 85,707 reported wildfires. Only a little over 14% of those fires were due to lightning strikes. The other nearly 86% of those wildfires were caused by the careless or intentional actions of man. Could they have been prevented? Many forest fires never need to have happened if it weren’t for the ...