Articles for tag: Cardiologist, Clubbing, Open Heart Surgery

Silent Symptoms of Heart Disease

Whenever you hear of a “sudden death” heart attack, you may wonder how things got that bad without any warning. Perhaps it was because the warnings weren’t given the value they possess. How can a toothache mean a heart attack, after all? Knowing what subtle signs to look for could save a life. Clubbing Fingers: ...

Karla News

Echocardiogram Guide: Cardiac Ultrasound

I am an Echocardiographer, which means I perform Echocardiograms as a profession. I often get the question: What is an Echocardiogram? Simply put, an Echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart. Most people understand the concept of how an ultrasound works: A medical sonographer places an ultrasound probe against your skin and takes pictures of ...

Karla News

What is a Cardiac Event Monitor?

You have just seen your cardiologist, and she has decided that your heart and its behaviors and functionalities need to be observed by a Cardiac Event Monitor. It sounds a little scary, and you are left wondering just what you’re in for during this examination period. If you’re anything like me, you have asked your ...

Lupus Chest Pain: Cardiac or Costochondritis?

Lupus, an inflammatory autoimmune disease, is the perfect con man: instead of presenting as only one or two distinctive symptoms, lupus disguises itself behind a battery of them. Of these, one of the most common is chest pain. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Chest pain = heart disease, right? Well, maybe. Or maybe not. ...

Cardiac Sonographer: The Best Job in Healthcare

If you’re one of the thousands of people wondering what to do with their lives but don’t have the time or money to get a 4 year college degree, you may be interested in becoming a cardiac sonographer. If you’re like most people you’ve probably never heard of this profession. Actually it’s this lack of ...

How to Become a Cardiologist

The path to becoming a cardiologist is not short or simple. It takes many years of training to become a cardiologist. Cardiologists are highly specialized doctors who focus on the medical treatment of the heart. Although it is difficult to become a cardiologist, ultimately it can be a very rewarding career. This article will outline ...

What is a Holter Monitor?

You’ve been to your cardiologist and she wants to get a better idea of what is going on with your heart. She has ordered you a Holter Monitor. What does that mean for you, the patient, and what will the experience be like? If you’re anxious or even curious about what this study has in ...