Articles for tag: Caffeine Addiction, Caffeine Withdrawal, Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms

Caffeine Addiction – The Short and Long Term Effects

When most people think about drugs and addictions, few place caffeine in this category. However, caffeine addiction is the number one addiction affecting millions of people. The majority of people living with caffeine addiction are unaware of this problem. Yet, if they were to miss their morning cup of coffee or soda, symptoms of caffeine ...

Karla News

How to Stop Feeling Drowsy After Eating

Do you feel like curling up and taking a long nap after eating a meal? Most people don’t have the luxury of sleeping after eating – especially if they’re on the job. In the best of all possible worlds, there were would be little room with a cot where you could take a nap after ...

Karla News

How I Kicked My Soda (Caffeine) Addiction

Kicking any type of addiction, whether it is caffeine, overspending or speeding in traffic, can be a pain. But in the end, doing so can be beneficial if you are successful. My own personal struggle for many years was caffeine, more directly, soda. I got the common headache if I went so many hours without ...

Quitting Coffee: 3 Reasons to Stop Drinking Caffeine

While you may be willing to make lifestyle adjustments to improve your health, failure to recognize which habits can preclude you from maximizing wellness can result in frustration. Coffee consumption, for example, is a very popular and culturally accepted drinking habit that can severely impair the body’s ability to function ideally. Yet not understanding the ...

Natural Ways to Curb Hunger Pangs

Are constant hunger pangs driving you to distraction? Is your mind focused on your next snack rather than the task at hand? For some people, hunger pangs arise from stress, boredom or from restricting calories too much; but in some cases an overly demanding appetite can come from an underlying medical problem such as diabetes ...

Natural Ways to Cure a Caffeine Addiction

You’re pushing your fifth cup of coffee for the day, and are certain you can make it until morning without another blast of caffeine. By dinnertime you’re enjoying a relaxing meal but soon realize you need yet another cup-make it a large mug– to get you through the evening. Welcome to your caffeine dependent lifestyle. ...

Karla News

America’s Soda Pop Addiction

What’s so bad about soda pop? Everything! Some time ago, I quit my soda pop addiction. That’s right, addiction. I was addicted to soda pop. Without it, I suffered from mood swings, disorientation, cravings, lack of focus, headaches and general grouchiness. Unfortunately so do a lot of Americans. Many Americans suffer from soda pop addiction. ...

Karla News

Overcome Your Caffeine Addiction and Boost Your Energy

Contrary to popular belief, coffee doesn’t really boost your energy level at all. When you first start drinking it or if you drink it occasionally, it may give you a little temporary feeling of increased energy but like chocolate it drops your energy and sugar levels to the basement. You feel elated for about an ...

Caffeine, Good or Bad for Your Health?

Is caffeine good or bad for your health? The answer is YES! Is caffeine good, yes! Is caffeine bad, yes! Meaning, there is no simple answer to this one; but this article will help you understand both the positive and negative effects of caffeine and how to maximize the positive and minimize the negative. We ...

Icy Hot and Headaches

My wife gets headaches, what woman doesn’t–kidding! Calm down, female reader. Don’t worry, she’ll smack me for all of you once she reads this article on Icy Hot and headaches. Headaches occur for all sorts of reasons: lack of exercise, caffeine addiction, fluorescent lighting, staring at a computer screen, co-workers who won’t shut up. I ...