Articles for tag: Buttermilk, Popeye, Southern Fried Chicken

Karla News

Truly Authentic Southern Fried Chicken Recipe

Umm…mmm…Southern Fried Chicken! It’s crispy, golden brown on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside, and bursting with flavor from the first crunchy bite to the last shred of meat next to the bone. If your family prefers a trip to Kentucky Fried Chicken or Popeye’s over sitting down to your homemade chicken dinner, ...

Karla News

Saco Cultured Powdered Buttermilk Blend

I love cooking with buttermilk, but it seems when I have a recipe that calls for buttermilk I never have it on hand. Oh sure, sometimes I use the trick of substituting buttermilk with a mixture of milk and lemon juice (or vinegar), but the results never seem to taste the same. My favorite banana ...

Karla News

10 Uses for Buttermilk

Most people don’t like to drink buttermilk but there are many uses for this thick, creamy dairy product. Lowfat buttermilk can add richness and a creamy texture to all sorts of foods and baked goods without adding lots of calories and fat. Traditionally buttermilk was the milky byproduct of churning butter. Today it’s made specifically ...

Karla News

Old Fashioned Cooking: My Grandma’s Buttermilk Biscuits

Science has shown over the last several years that your sense of smell is the first one associated with memory, and I have to agree. My earliest recollections include the smell of buttermilk biscuits and bacon resting heavily on my nose, and I still associate these smells with my grandparents. There was never a day ...

My Homemade Colitis Remedies for Flare-Ups

After having spent a good part of my life battling ulcerative colitis, I have discovered medications have many ill side effects. The side effects include, and are not limited to, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, headache, insomnia, puffiness, and so much more. Because of the side effects I have come to find many of my own little ...