Articles for tag: Business Attire, Dsw, Fall 2012

Men’s Style Q and A: What Are Chukka Boots?

Chukka shoes are a style of boot very similar to the desert boot worn by British soldiers during World War II. Unlike the desert boot, the chukka has become more versatile. It has become stylized for modern times so it can be worn by the blue-collar working man and the white- collar businessman alike. If ...

Business Dress Codes: The Modern Woman’s Dilemma

Rummaging through my overflowing closet, I spot my elusive white button-down blouse. Cringe. It has a pink grapefruit juice stain just below the collar. Now, I have nothing to wear to my business event in an hour. Panic! Usually, one of the two suits I own would suffice, but the invitation to this office function ...

Business Clothing Know-How for the International Student

The term ‘business clothing’ can have a variety of meanings in the American culture. Outside of the businesses requiring uniforms, the term ‘business clothing’ has different meanings depending on the environment you are in. Some businesses use ‘professional business attire’, some use ‘business casual’, and some even use ‘casual. Let’s explore…. Every business environment has ...

Karla News

Common Male Business Attire Mistakes

I see a lot of young men — and some older guys too — who go through the trouble of putting on a suit and tie, but instead of projecting confidence and authority, they look bad because they’re making big, basic mistakes. Remember that you’re not dressing up for yourself; rather, you’re trying to impress ...

How to Go Sleeveless at the Office

Summer is upon us. It can be difficult to wear business attire during this season, especially if you need to wear suits to work. However, there is hope. You don’t have to give up sleeveless shirts in fear that you may get written up. Just stick to these three rules during working hours. Not only ...