Articles for tag: Bull Shark, Salt Water

Karla News

Are Fresh Water Bull Shark’s Real?

Is there really such a thing as a fresh water bull shark? When we think of sharks we usually think of them as ocean dwellers. However, there are a few species of sharks that have the ability to survive in fresh water for extended periods of time. The bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas), is a prime ...

Karla News

Florida Keys Tarpon Fishing Tips

Before we start, tarpon fishing isn’t my favorite. It’s fine when they bite, but tarpon can be very closed mouth. They also tend to bite at night. I tend to prefer drinking at night. So I’ve reached a compromise with these big silver guys. I’ll fish for them between dawn and at dusk. While tarpon ...

Karla News

Bull Shark Facts

The bull shark, carcharhinus leucas, is one of the most likely species to attack humans. These large animals measure 7 to 11.5 feet (2.1 to 3.4 meters) long and weigh 200 to 500 pounds (90 to 230 kilograms). Their bodies are grey on top and white underneath, with dark tips on their fins (particularly on ...

Sharks of the Carribbean

Most of the shark species that can be found in the Caribbean region are not a threat to humans, as tend to not be as aggressive as other sharks. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, as the bull shark, the tiger shark, and the Caribbean reef shark, all found in the Caribbean, are ...

Karla News

Freshwater Shark Species

Some people are very surprised to learn that there is such a thing as freshwater sharks. Of course, most of the world’s shark species are found in the ocean, but there are some elusive and not so elusive sharks out there that can be found in freshwater. Granted there are only two types and possibly ...

Karla News

The True Events that Inspired Jaws: the New Jersey Shark Attacks of 1916

In the summer of 1916, New Jersey experienced a heatwave of unusually high temperatures. This was before the time of air conditioners and people flocked to the Jersey shore in large numbers for relief from the sweltering weather. The temperature was not the only unusual occurrence that summer: During the course of twelve horrifying days, ...

Karla News

Ten Terrifying Facts About Sharks

There is so much shark friendly media coverage, I thought I’d muddy the waters and help hone you into your own shark fear zone. While they may not be the man-eaters that we once thought they were, sharks are still the boss of the oceanic food chain. You may think twice before going into the ...