Articles for tag: Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama

How Do You Become a Buddhist?

More and more people in the West are being exposed to the teachings of the Buddha through books, Internet sites, and even the news about the Dalai Lama and the monks in Burma. Buddhism is an ancient, gentle path that has much to appeal to modern people, looking for answers and looking for peace. There ...

Karla News

Top Ten Songs by Buddha Bar Artists

My favorite Top Ten Buddha Bar songs are sung in so many languages that I don’t even try to find translations for all the lyrics. It’s the great sound and feel of my top ten Buddha Bar songs that matter most to me! Here’s my top ten Buddha Bar songs (generally known as “chill out” ...

Do Buddhists Worship Idols?

The first time Westerners visit Buddhist temples, they are often surprised to see people bowing to statues of the Buddha. It seems as if Buddhists are worshiping idols. Buddhists, however, honor the man, whom they refer to as the Buddha, as a great teacher, but they do not worship him as a god. Buddhists refer ...

Karla News

Say What?! Jesus was a Buddhist!

Have you ever wondered about the similarities between the Christian and Buddhist faiths? If you have, I am willing to bet that if you have then you may have noticed some striking similarities between the teachings of Buddha and Jesus. Well If you have your not alone. More and more people (regular citizens and scholars ...

32 Signs of a Buddha

A Buddha is a person who attains enlightenment, or full wisdom. Most people have heard of Shakyamuni who was a prince in India around 2,500 years ago. This prince was forbid to leave the castle as his father wished him not to experience suffering. Eventually, Shakyamuni, or Prince Siddhartha Gautama, left the castle 4 times ...