Articles for tag: Brown V. Board of Education, Puerto Ricans, Tv Sitcoms

Karla News

Understanding Puerto Rican and African American Cultures

From the research I have done, I hope to better understand Puerto Ricans and African Americans as a whole. To see a fuller picture of our pluralistic society and apply it to my teaching in the classroom. Many tend to base their opinions about people, politics and religion on things they have seen on TV ...

Karla News

Rosa Parks and Her Life After the Alabama Bus Boycott

We all know that Rosa Parks’s actions on December 1, 1955 helped to spur the Civil Rights movement that ended legal racial segregation in the south and propelled Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. into the forefront of the movement. While she was honored by many for the rest of her life, she continued to struggle ...

Karla News

An Apology for Jim Crow and Slavery

The House of Representatives has taken some time out from wrangling about minor issues like oil drilling and the economy and is poised to pass a resolution formally apologizing to African Americans for slavery and Jim Crow. Slavery was officially abolished in 1865 shortly after the Civil War by the passage of the 13th Amendment ...

Karla News

An Overview about the Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a movement composed of varying studies and viewpoints about racial justice in America, with the goal of reaching beyond analysis to initiate social change. CRT originated in the mid-1970s when many African American lawyers, activists and legal scholars realized that advances from the Civil Rights Movement, such as the Brown ...