Articles for tag: Brown Rice, White Rice, Wild Rice

Karla News

What’s the Healthiest Rice?

Rice as a source of food dates as far back as 2500 B.C. Despite its long history, it’s still one of the most important sources of sustenance in many countries of the world. This grain is often served alongside ethnic cuisines such as Indian, Japanese, and Chinese food, providing a readily available and inexpensive source ...

Karla News

The Health Benefits of Brown Rice

Brown rice is often thought of as a “health” food, and for good reason! Brown rice is far more healthy for our bodies than white rice is. Brown rice is essentially the same as white rice, in the fact that it comes from the same plant. There is no “brown rice” plant and “white rice” ...

Karla News

Brown Rice: Weight Loss Food Extraordinaire

Yes, losing weight is hard work, but if you can eat foods that will keep you full longer, then it will be so much the easier. Brown rice is one of these foods. Why will eating brown rice help you lose weight? The answer lies in the high fiber content of this nutritious grain. To ...

Karla News

What are the Health Benefits of Brown Rice?

Brown rice is a healthy fiber and vitamin rich food with a multitude of health benefits. Unlike white rice, brown rice only has the outermost layer of the rice kernel removed, the hull, leaving much of the nutritional value of the rice in tact. In fact, white rice is required to be enriched by the ...

Karla News

DIY Genmaicha: How to Make Your Own Japanese Brown Rice Tea

Legend has it that during the 1400’s an important samurai warlord…was having tea in the morning discussing a battle strategy with his patrol leaders. A servant by the name of Genamai was serving hot tea to the group. Leaning over to give tea to the warlord, rice that he had surreptitiously taken for a morning ...

Karla News

Glenny’s Brown Rice Marshmallow Treat

I purchase one single Glenny’s Brown Rice Marshmallow Treat as a little special treat for myself with a recent order I placed. I paid .95 cents for the one little treat and I waited anxiously for it in my order. When the UPS man came with the box my sweet tooth overcame me and ...

Karla News

Tinkyada Brown Rice Pasta Shells Review

Tinkyada Pasta Joy Brown Rice Pasta Shells are wheat free, gluten free and yet maintain a firm texture for my favorite gluten free pasta recipes. I’ve tried several brands of gluten free pasta, but prefer Tinkyada which mixes stone-ground brown rice, rice bran and water for a result that is never mushy unless severely overcooked! ...