Articles for tag: Bridal Shower Games, Bridal Shower Gifts, Unique Bridal Shower Games

Karla News

Tips for Planning an Online Bridal Shower

Online bridal showers are becoming surprisingly trendy. Bridal showers that are done over the internet are ideal for brides who can’t afford to travel to friends and family in another state for a shower or for families in which everyone is scattered throughout the entire country. Here are some tips for planning an online bridal ...

Karla News

How to Plan a Successful Bridal Shower

The last bridal party I attended was kind of fun, but it was rather stuffy. The bride-to-be’s elderly aunt hosted the party, and she served a sit-down meal in her formal dining room with her crystal goblets and china plates. We were all so worried about breaking something and minding our table manners to chat. ...

Karla News

One Stop Reading for Bridal Shower Games!

Are you throwing a bridal shower, but can’t seem to figure out what games you should use to keep your guests upbeat and participating? Look no further! After tons of research, and a whole lot of reminiscing, I have put together a list of the best games for bridal showers. Each game listed also comes ...

Karla News

How to Play the Newlywed Game at a Bridal Shower

If you are planning a bridal shower, one way to make your event a hit is to create some personalized games for guests to play. I’ve seen great success using a personalized version of the Newlywed Game. The bride will love that her groom has been incorporated into the bridal shower, while the guests will ...

Karla News

Funny Bridal Shower Games Your Guests Will Enjoy

Bridal shower guests might be dreading the inevitable games they’ll have to play over the course of the event, but they’ll leave with smiles on their faces if they’ve gotten a good chuckle along the way. The following five games have an element of humor that are sure to make your guests laugh – and ...

Karla News

Five Free Bridal Shower Games!

Chances are if you’re reading this article, you must be in the process of planning or helping to plan a bridal shower. Planning a bridal shower is a big job, that’s why I say ‘helping’ because chances also are that you probably aren’t in charge of the entire event. Maybe you’re just in charge of ...

Karla News

Creative Bridal Shower Games

Your best friend just announced she is going to get married. You want only the best for her during this memorable time. You have planned out everything, including the guest list, invitations, tables and the brunch menu. Creative bridal shower games will make a memorable occasion for the bride-to-be. Here are some creative games that ...

Karla News

Spring Weddings 2008: The Garden Party Bridal Shower

The days are growing longer and the weather is warming up. That can only mean one thing-wedding season will soon be in full swing. While the brides-to-be will be stressing over every last detail of the ceremony and reception, their ever-faithful maids/matrons of honor will have their hands full planning the bridal shower. If you’re ...

Karla News

Fun Games to Play at a Bridal Shower

June is traditionally the month for weddings, even though, obviously, weddings take place throughout the year. One of the customary events that takes place before the actual wedding is, of course, the bridal shower, at which friends and relatives of the bride (and in the case of a co-ed shower, the groom as well) come ...

Karla News

Unique Bridal Shower Games

A bridal shower is a fun opportunity for friends and family to celebrate the bride-to-be. Games and activities can add to the fun. Here are four unique bridal shower games for a shower she’ll always remember. Memory Game. This can be a good ice breaker for a bridal shower. When all the guests are gathered, ...