Articles for tag: Brewing Coffee

Karla News

Finding a Good Instant Coffee

Instant coffee was probably designed to compete with traditional brewed coffee with lower overhead production cost and more appeal to a high speed consumer in mind. There may be some good Instant coffees out there, but to compete with premium gourmet coffee is difficult because of the way the two are differently manufactured, delivered and ...

Karla News

Product Review: Capresso CoffeeTEAM Therm Coffee Maker

The Capresso CoffeeTEAM Therm is a revolutionary conical burr grinder and coffee maker with stainless steel carafe that grinds and then brews for the perfect cup of coffee. Ease of Use/Performance: 24/25 Convenience/Storage 25/25 Appearance/Design 24/25 How much I enjoy 25/25 Total: 98/100 The CoffeeTEAM Therm is a fantastic combination conical burr grinder and coffee ...

Karla News

Product Review: Cuisinart Grind and Brew Coffee Makers

All of the Cuisinart Grind & Brew coffee makers have a fatal flaw: they are impossible to clean. The newest models are black, which makes the crud harder to see, but it’s there. The problem is not the grinder and the coffee basket, which only take a few moments to hand wash. It’s the rest ...

Karla News

Tassimo Brewer Review

The Bosch Tassimo brewer is a great home beverage brewer that not only makes coffee and espresso but teas, hot chocolate and even cappuccinos. Ease of Use, Performance: 24/25 Look & Feel: 23/25 Features 24/25 How much I enjoy 24/25 Total: 95/100 The Bosch Tassimo brewer is a unique and well built brewer that makes ...

Karla News

Easy Ways to Wake Up Early

No one likes to get up early, but sometimes it’s just part of life. You may have a meeting or you may have a long commute. Regardless of why you have to wake up early, it’s still an unpleasant part of life. If you have trouble getting up early and find yourself constantly hitting the ...

Karla News

The Best Coffee Brands and Types

What would we get if we combined a morning shower with a ritual? A coffee maker! How is that? Regardless the model, all coffee makers serve one purpose: giving to millions of people that uniquely refreshing feeling that they need before starting the day. Speaking of which, launching yourself into the unexpected madness of the ...

Senseo Deluxe HD7820 Review

Let me start off by saying I am a huge fan of coffee. I like a quality cup of coffee. I have a daily routine that involves at least two cups of coffee. I was finding that my second trip to my local Starbucks was getting to be very expensive. In trying to figure out ...

Confessions of a Tim Horton’s Coffee Addict

Long before I ever saw the commercial for Tim Horton’s coffee, that exposed the Tim Horton’s secret ingredient conspiracy, I knew that Tim Horton’s coffee was different. From the first sip, I was hooked. Tim Hortons has been brewing coffee since 1964, but until recently, the freshly brewed Tim Horton’s coffee could only be savored ...