Articles for tag: Breeding Fish, Guppies

Karla News

Simple Tips for Breeding Guppies

When it comes to breeding fish, guppies are likely the easiest live-bearing fish to successfully breed. Not only are guppies easy to breed, but there are countless types of guppies available in nearly every color of the rainbow. Breeding guppies takes a little bit of knowledge, but with some reading and a little bit of ...

Karla News

Good Things to Know Before Starting a Saltwater Aquarium

Many people are interested in having fish, and many people are more specifically interested in having a saltwater aquarium. While saltwater aquariums are neat there are some things to think about before you purchase a fish tank, equipment and saltwater fish. If you are on a budget when it comes to aquariums it is a ...

Karla News

Siamese Fighting Fish

Siamese Fighting Fish Fact Sheet “Betta splendens“ Introduction There are several species in the genus ‘Betta’, but the best known and most spectacular is the “Siamese Fighting Fish”; Betta splendens; the splendid Betta. This fish comes from Thailand and the old name of Thailand was “Siam”. Other names for this fish are: “Japanese Fighting Fish”, ...

Karla News

How to Set Up a Freshwater Breeding Aquarium

If you have freshwater aquarium fish, and are an experienced fish keeper, then maybe it is time to consider attempting to breed your fish. Breeding egg-laying fish is something for the serious and experienced fish owner. It is not easy to breed fish in captivity, but it can be done. Choosing the Tank Size First, ...