Articles for tag: Breastmilk, Lactation, Lactation Consultant

Karla News

Breastfeeding and a High Palate

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that all mothers breastfeed their babies instead of feeding them formula. Partially because of this, and partially because of the increase in health-conscious mothers, an increasing number of women are choosing to breastfeed. Breastfeeding is acknowledged to be much healthier for the babies. However, even if a pregnant woman ...

Karla News

Tips on Proper Handling and Storage of Breastmilk

Expressing and storing breastmilk is something most breastfeeding mothers do at some point. This is especially common practice for working mothers returning to their jobs after maternity leave. Breastmilk is touted as being ‘best for baby’ because of its nutritional and immunological properties. However, to maintain these properties, breastmilk must be handled properly. Breastmilk has ...

Karla News

Review of the Playtex Drop-Ins System of Baby Bottles

Whether you are planning to breastfeed with occasional pumping, or formula feed, you will be faced with choosing which bottles to use to feed your baby. There are so many choices out there: bottles that reduce colic, bottles that reduce gas, bottles that most closely mimic the breast, etc, etc, etc. The Playtex Drop-Ins System ...

Karla News

Can Human Breastmilk Cure Cancer?

When my friend was diagnosed with terminal cancer, all of her loved ones were shocked. She never smoked, never drank, and lived an active, healthy lifestyle– but fate decided to throw her an unexpected obstacle. The prognosis was extremely grim: by the time the cancer was detected, it had already reached four organs and her ...

Karla News

Can Adults Benefit from Drinking Breast Milk?

Breast milk has long been the best way to nourish an infant. However, can it also play a role in providing nutrition and guarding against disease in adults as well? It would seem that if it prevents breastfed infants from contracting certain diseases and illness that it just may do the same for others as ...

Recipe to Increase Breast Milk

There are a few ways to increase breastmilk that have been proven to work. You can try supplements such as More Milk Plus by Motherlove or just plain old fenugreek supplements. Another proven method is nursing more often throughout the day and night. Yet another way, is a recipe that worked for me and many ...

Karla News

Did You Know Breastmilk Can Cure These Ailments?

Breastfeeding has its many benefits for not only the baby, but also the mother. Actually, it can have some great benefits for others in the household as well. Here is a list of a few breastmilk uses that you may not even be aware of. Eye problems/conjunctivitis – Pumping some breastmilk and then using a ...

Karla News

The Basics of Breastmilk Storage

Many breastfeeding moms, especially those who work, need to pump breastmilk for a caregiver to feed to baby with a bottle. Others feel the need to pump breastmilk and have a stash in the freezer in case of emergency. Storing breastmilk is a simple process, but certain guidelines must be followed to ensure that your ...

Karla News

10 Great Ways to Use Breastmilk (other Than Feeding Your Child)

Breastmilk is, without a doubt, the perfect infant nutrition. But its usefulness is not limited to babies. People of all ages can benefit from the healing properties of breastmilk. From cuts and scrapes to major illness and surgery, breastmilk can be used to boost immunities, fight infections, and soothe skin. Here are just a few ...