Articles for tag: Bowel Obstruction, Bowels, Constipation

Coping with Constipation in the Elderly

Constipation and irregularity are common problems for senior citizens and those with illnesses and disabilities, for many reasons. While it may not sound like a big deal, constipation can make you feel absolutely miserable. Not only that, but it can lead to problems like hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or even intestinal blockages, and those things can ...

Karla News

8 Common Causes of Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is pretty common, and oftentimes, it requires no intervention. However, there are time when abdominal pain warrants a visit with your doctor, of an immediate visit to the emergency room. Sometimes it is hard to know when you need to see a doctor for your abdominal pain. Once you know a bit more ...