Articles for tag: Bowel Obstruction, Pica, Xrays

Karla News

Pica: Bizarre Eating Disorder

Pica is a bizarre eating disorder that is very rare. It is the eating of non nutritive objects. This is diagnosed after this behavior is present for one month or more. People who have this disorder eat all kinds of objects. Hair balls, dirt, plastic, and the list goes on. When children are toddlers, parents ...

Pica: What it Can Mean During Pregnancy

It is often common for pregnant women to talk about what they are craving to eat during their pregnancy with everything from sweets to salty and sour foods such as pickles. However, some women begin to have strange cravings for things that one would normally never consider consuming. These cravings can include things such as ...

Karla News

How to Recognize Signs of Constipation in Puppies

Although thought of as a problem for older dogs, constipation can happen at any stage of a dog’s life, including “puppyhood”. Constipation is often caused by not enough water or fiber in the diet. Puppies get plenty of moisture in their diets, whether from soft canned food or from mother’s milk. Constipation can also happen ...

Karla News

What Are the Different Types of Colostomies?

A colostomy is a surgical procedure involving an opening (called a stoma) in the abdomen to allow the body to excrete fecal matter from the colon. There are several reasons why someone would require a colostomy including: -Bowel obstruction due to cancer or impaction -Allowing the colon to heal following a disease like diverticulitis. -Removal ...

Karla News

Common Causes of Abdominal Discomfort

Abdominal Pain can be caused by an exhausting list of disorders and it is extremely difficult to diagnosis at first glance which one is causing the problem. Most physicians take into consideration a variety of factors when they diagnosis the underlying disorder that is causing the abdominal pain. Abdominal pain can range from minor conditions ...

Signs and Symptoms of Acute Pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is an extremely painful condition that has the potential to be life-threatening if left untreated. Fortunately, several of the signs and symptoms of pancreatitis are specific enough to quickly lead a physician to the correct diagnosis. The diagnosis of acute pancreatitis can be confirmed by elevated levels of the enzymes amylase and lipase, ...

Karla News

Fecal Impactions and Bowel Obstruction

Causes of and Digital Removal of Impactions: This is a condition where the stool or fecal matter cannot pass by normal defecation. This happens as the result of extreme constipation. We all know that we need large amounts of fiber and liquid in our diets to keep our bowels functioning normally. Sometimes, we become constipated ...

Which Are the Rarest Types of Cancer?

Certain types of cancer get publicity whenever popular personalities succumb to them. Two examples are anal (Farrah Fawcett) and pancreatic (Patrick Swayze) cancer. However, few people see any information on the most obscure forms. Here are three of the rarest types of cancer. Synovial Sarcoma According to the National Cancer Institute, this disease is a ...