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Preschool Lesson Plan: Picnic

Picnic Ideas

Book for Preschool Lesson Plan: Picnic

The Teddy Bears’ Picnic by Jimmy Kennedy
We’re Going on a Picnic! by Pat Hutchins

Reading Center for Preschool Lesson Plan: Picnic

Fill your preschool reading center not only with books about picnics, but also with books about parks and colorfully illustrated recipe books for children’s snacks.

Snack for Preschool Lesson Plan: Picnic

Ants on a Log: This snack idea is as old as the hills, but still as delicious, simple and healthy as ever. Fill celery pieces with peanut butter and top with raisins.

Concepts for Preschool Lesson Plan: Picnic

Letter: P/p
Number: 10
Shape: square
Color: red

Fine Motor Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Picnic

Fill ketchup and mustard squeeze bottles with red (ketchup) and yellow (mustard) paint. Let your preschool students squeeze the paints onto a large piece of white butcher paper. This will give their fingers and hands a good workout and you will end up with a bright ketchup and mustard mural for your bulletin board!

Gross Motor Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Picnic

Take a long walk outdoors in a park or on your school’s grounds, looking for “the perfect picnic spot.” At intervals, instead of walking, have your preschool students hop, skip and gallop. When you finally find “the perfect picnic spot,” sit down and give your students a refreshing snack that you brought along with you in a picnic basket.

Art Center Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Picnic

Have your preschool students use small, square sponges and red paint to decorate a sheet of white construction paper like a traditional red and white checkered tablecloth. Once the paint dries, let your students either add ant stickers or glue small plastic ants onto their painted tablecloths.

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Songs/Fingerplays for Preschool Lesson Plan: Picnic

The lyrics for the song The Ants Go Marching can be found here.

Pre-math Center Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Picnic

Provide your preschool students with construction that have been printed an outline of the number 10. Have them count out ten ant stickers and place them on the number 10 cutout. Allow them to split the ants up between the 1 and the 0 however they choose to. For older students, have them draw ten ants on the cutout.

Pre-writing Center Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Picnic

For younger students, provide sheets of paper with the letters P and p lightly printed on them. Have the children trace the letters. do the same with the number 10.

For older students, provide an example of the letters P and p and the number 10. Have the students practice writing the letters and number freehand.

Sensory Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Picnic

Fill your preschool classroom’s sensory table with rice and watermelon seeds. Tell your students that the watermelon seeds represent ants. Let them scoop, pour and finger the rice and watermelon seeds. Suggest that they count out ten watermelon seeds for the ten ants that went marching in the song. Have them line ants up in groups of ten on top of the rice.

Dramatic Play Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Picnic

Add a couple of umbrellas, a red and white checkered table cloth, picnic baskets filled with toy dishes and foods and small plastic insects (especially ants if you can find them) to your preschool classroom’s dramatic play area.

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