Articles for tag: Black Snake Moan

Karla News

Films with Nude Scenes that Women Hate

A majority of women dislike watching films in which women get naked with their significant others, because it can incite jealousy and disgust. There are some scenes, however, that can make some couples watching films together a little more uncomfortable. Here are some of the nude scenes in films that a man should probably not ...

Black Snake Moan

The Equation, My Equation: Action (x/3) + Acting (x/2) + Direction (x/2) + Script (x/1) + Special Effects (x/1) + Spectacle (x/1) = x/10 INTRODUCTION Think back on the fables and religious parables that you know. The characters are easy enough. Perhaps not their exact names, but more-so the titles like ‘The Good Samaritan’. Now, ...

Karla News

Top 10 Greatest Film Moments in Panties

Panties are a very important part of our society, whether one chooses to wear them or not. Many films have taken note of the power of a pair of panties, or lack thereof, which has made for some very sexy, funny, and even frightening movie moments. This is a list of some of the most ...

Karla News

Top Ten Songs by the Black Keys

There is a chance that if you’ve never heard of The Black Keys, you’ve probably had no access to movies, TV, or radio. The duo (often compared to The White Stripes) are a band that serves up heavy blues, rock, and funk in a quirky, carefree package. You can hear little pieces of other artists ...