Articles for tag: Apartment Life, Best Dog Breeds, Scottish Terrier, Yorkies

Karla News

15 of the Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Life

Are you looking for a dog but live in a small apartment or house? It can be a little tricky to own a dog while living is such small spaces but not impossible. The smaller the space you have to work with the smaller the breed you’re going to want to choose. You have to ...

Karla News

The Best Dog Breeds for Senior Citizens

Pets provide companionship for seniors and they relieve the boredom and feelings of helplessness that is oftentimes associated with older adults who live alone. Caring for a pet who needs a lot of exercise and grooming, is a great way for seniors to relieve boredom as well as provide an outlet for them to make ...

Karla News

The Best Dog Breeds for Seniors

Dogs provide us with entertainment, companionship, love and security. Caring for a dog can ease loneliness, stress, and pain, and this is especially true for the elderly. The devoted companionship of a dog has been shown to encourage senior citizens to become more physically active, emotionally responsive and cooperate better with caregivers and doctors, all ...

Karla News

Best Dog Breeds for Young Children

Most parents, if they love both their children and their pets, worry about mixing the two. Dogs provide companionship for children and adults, but some dog breeds are unsafe for small children and might injure them – either intentionally or accidentally. If you are thinking about purchasing or adopting a dog for your kids, you ...

Karla News

Best 10 Dog Breeds for Women

When a woman picks a dog breed, she has to carefully consider what type of lifestyle she has in order to pick the dog breed that is best for her. This, more than anything else, will determine what type of dog breed is best for the individual owner. There is a myth that women prefer ...

Karla News

The Best Dog Breeds for Couch Potatoes and Lazy People

Okay, you might be a bit lazy, even a couch potato of sorts. But, you’d still like a dog to keep you company while you watch your favorite action television. You’re just not ready for a dog that wants to play ball or frisbee every five minutes. What are the best dog breeds for lazy ...