Articles for tag: Beatrix Potter, Blood Donors

Karla News

Random Fun Facts: You Never Knew You Wanted to Know

Here are a few random facts that you might find interesting, or at least get a kick out of. I just thought they were kind of funny and decided to share. Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours a day – Ever hear of a Cat nap? Most suicides happen on Mondays – Everyone hates Mondays, ...

Karla News

What is a Fable?

A fable is literary genre that is usually very short and epigrammatic in nature, revealing by story’s end an instructive moral. The most famous writer of fables is Aesop, of course, and so successful was he that very few writers even attempt to take up the challenge of adding to the substantial canon attributed to ...

Karla News

Twelve Classic Children’s Picture Books

It is quite common for young children to go through a stage of asking for the same book to be read to them over and over again. While it may at times get tiresome for the parent, the child enjoys hearing the same, familiar words repeated. Two books that were frequent favorites around our house ...

Karla News

Top 12 Pet Rabbit Names

This list will provide a great starting point for those who have just gotten a rabbit and are struggling to pick a name that suits his personality just right. With proper care most rabbits live for many years, so you want to pick a name that describes your new pet well. 1. Thumper Who hasn’t ...