Articles for tag: Bearded Dragons, Bouquets, Flower Bouquets, Snapdragons

Ideas for Fresh Summer Flower Bouquets

Summer is the time for fresh flowers, and when growing a garden full of many different types, the combinations are endless. Instead of selecting the usual summer flower bouquets typically sold in stores, opt for these ideas for fresh summer arrangements. Whether they are for wedding tables or the center of a dining room table, ...

Karla News

Bearded Dragons as Pets

General Information Bearded Dragons, or “Beardies” as they are affectionately called, are one of the newer pets in the pet industry. They originally come from the hot inland deserts of Australia, but are often bred in captivity for resale. They live for up to 10 years, and although often purchased as cute tiny youngsters, they ...

Karla News

The Best Reptile Pets for Kids

Kids have always craved pets, and parents have always contemplated whether their child is responsible enough for a pet. It’s practically a tautology. In recent years, though, the kinds of pets children can have has expanded immensely, and parents are no longer limited to biting hamsters, jittery rabbits, and peeing puppies. Reptiles can make excellent ...

Karla News

Foods for a Healthy Bearded Dragon

The bearded dragon is one of the most popular reptiles to be kept as a pet. This animal is unaggressive and relatively easy to care for. One of the most important aspects of bearded dragon care is the animal’s diet. Bearded dragons have a somewhat varied diet and being omnivorous they eat both meat and ...

Karla News

Feeding and Housing a Bearded Dragon

Have you ever thought about having a Bearded Dragon as a pet? There are pros and cons to keeping these lizards as pets, as there are for any pet that you may chose to be a member of your family. Bearded Dragons are easy to train, and are very sociable as pets go. They do ...

Karla News

Top Five Lizards for Kids

Lizards can make great first pets for children who like their pets cold blooded and scaly. However, not every lizard is suitable for children due to the amount of care they require, size of the lizard, environmental needs or diet. Choosing the right lizard for your child can make a difference in who ends up ...

Karla News

Bearded Dragon Behavior Characteristics

Morphology The name bearded dragon comes from there spiky scales around the neck area. During the bearded dragons mating season the males beard will turn Grey, black, or dark blue. The male may also puff the beard out to warn other males. The bearded dragon has small spiky scales throughout their bodies giving them a ...

Karla News

Feeding Your Bearded Dragon

In the wild bearded dragons is what’s called opportunistic omnivores. Their diet will consist of what’s available in their area at that time. If there in an area where there’s a lot of vegetation, then they will eat all of the fruits and vegetables they can. If there in an area where there are a ...

Karla News

What Reptiles Make the Best Pets

Believe it or not, not all reptiles are the same. Yes they often have scales or are slimy, may enjoy lots of heat and don’t have cute cuddly furry coats but their temperaments and behavior do vary quite a lot. Take for example the three commonly available types of reptiles, snakes, lizards and turtles. After ...