Articles for tag: Aztecs

Karla News

Cortez and the Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire

Relatively speaking, the conquest of the once mighty Aztec Empire in Mexico by the Spanish did not take very long. It began in early 1519 and ended in late 1521. It was not easy, however, mostly because the Spanish did not present a unified front to the Aztecs. The Spanish fought each other almost as ...

Karla News

Does Montezuma’s Treasure Really Exist?

Montezuma’s treasure has been on people’s minds for ages. The question is, does it really exist? When Cortez arrived in Mesoamerica in the early 1500s, Montezuma thought he was the Great White God Quetzalcoatl, who had promised to return one day. It didn’t take long for Montezuma to realize that he had made a mistake. ...

Karla News

History of the Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is one of the most noticeable breeds of dogs because of their small size and big ego. They are the smallest breed of dog in the world. There are two variations of the Chihuahua breed: the smooth coat and the longcoat, and each has its own history. The longcoat Chihuahua is an American ...

Karla News

SDSU Aztecs Recruit “BIG” in 2012

If there was ever a time to get BIG in the offensive line now was that time. Aztec football has been infamous for having too small of a line to keep up with the “Big Boys” in Div. I football. In response to that criticism, the desire to get big was necessary; or should I ...

Karla News

How Did the Spanish Conquer the New World so Easily?

Long before “the sun never set on the British Isles,” the Spanish controlled a vast territory in the New World. Within a few years, Spanish conquistadors managed to utterly destroy the most powerful American empires and replace those empires with lucrative plantations and gold and silver mines. Why did the mighty Aztec and Inca empires ...

Karla News

The Music of Ancient American Indian Civilizations

Highly developed civilizations, the Aztecs, Mayans and Incans made music that still lives on. Of course, those peoples didn’t leave behind records or tapes. But musical historians and people interested in their own cultural backgrounds have in recent years done a lot of research and recreation. The ancient civilizations of the New World employed a ...