Articles for tag: April Fool's, April Fool's Day, April Fool39s Day

Karla News

Ten Harmless, Humorous April Fool’s Day Phone Pranks

The month of April brings to mind thoughts of showers, springtime, and of course those naughty but harmless pranks and jokes of April Fool’s Day. Following are ten amusing, innocuous phone pranks you can play on your spouse, family members, friends or even coworkers. These jokes are fun on April Fool’s Day or any day ...

April Fools Day Gag Gifts for Women

April Fools Day is a fun holiday for people of all ages. April Fools Day is a special holiday where one can get away with playing pranks and giving gag gifts to their friends and family. Here are my top five favorite gag gifts to give the woman in your life. Five Best April Fools ...

New Funny Humor Articles on AC

These funny humor articles from the April Fool’s Day Challenge can provide a good laugh or a chuckle any time of the year. If you need a good laugh or even some mild amusement, sit back and enjoy the funny articles by Associated Content writers. These humor articles are part of the unofficial April Fool’s ...

Karla News

April Fools’ Day Activities for Kids

April Fools’ Day for Kids is a set of activities that will be sure to keep you ready for celebration! Without being constantly ready, countries could not, once again, rejoice in a celebration that is performed around the world. Here is is a guide that has several activities and games for children that wish to ...

Karla News

April Fool’s Day (2008): A Movie Review

April Fool’s Day is a murder mystery starring Taylor Cole as Desiree Cartier. This new “April Fool’s” movie revolves around a coming out ball thrown by Taylor Cole. An April Fool’s prank goes horrible awry and results in the death of Milan played by Sabrina Aldridge. One year later a killer is stalking Taylor and ...

Karla News

Safe Easy April Fool’s Day Pranks

April Fool’s Day at my house is silly and often surprising. Woe to the family members that forgot what day it is because they’ll end up the butt of a few jokes. Our children especially enjoy getting in on the action and every year they seem to get more creative. After you’ve been “gotten” a ...

Karla News

10 April Fool’s Pranks to Pull on Your Parents

You need a good prank to play on your mom or dad for April Fools Day right? I have thought up (well mostly remembered) some pranks that you will enjoy pulling on your mom or dad. Some are great for younger kids and others are great for grown up kids. It might be funnier for ...

Karla News

April Fool’s Poem

Here’s an April Fool’s Poem for April Fools Day. The classic jokes are mentioned along with suggestions for new April Fools Day ideas in poetry form including a tiny tongue twister. please don’t play a trick on me or put coffee in my tea make me think I’ve won the lottery perhaps a pretty present, ...

Karla News

April Fool’s Day Poems (Two Haiku)

April Fool’s Day Poems Number 1: Untitled Haiku Beware April 1! Watch your back, for those you know may be plotting tricks! April Fool’s Day Poems Number 2: Untitled Haiku New Year’s Week’s last day occurred April 1 til late 16th century Those keeping this date, partying like New Year’s clods, were regarded fools… Springtime ...

Karla News

April Fools’ Jokes on Coworkers

One day close to April Fools’ Day a coworker and I thought it would be a good idea if we followed one of our coworkers home. So I had the other guy cover for me, and waited for her to leave. After I got back we decided when to make our move. We got off ...