Articles for tag: Annoying

5 Annoying Customers You’ll Encounter Every Day in Retail

In your work life you’ll more than likely venture into retail- where working with customers is inevitable. Most customers are reasonable but there are a select few that stand out from the crowd. Following are the 5 annoying customers you’ll encounter every day while working in retail. The Speedy Shopper It’s almost starting time. You’ve ...

Karla News

Ten Annoying Website Design Mistakes

No matter how many web pros have put out good tutorials on web design, people (including businesses) still create annoying websites. I have spent many years on both the visitor side and the design side of web pages and have seen my share of annoying sites (and, in the beginning, probably created a few annoying ...

Karla News

Fad Words

Every year a new crop of “cool” words and phrases suddenly enters the population, sprouting into our language like so many weeds. Literally overnight, the offending words just seem to be there. You can’t really tell where they came from, but suddenly everyone is using them. Then, the next year, or a few years later, ...