Articles for tag: Animal Facts, Octopus

Karla News

Animal Facts: Giant Pacific Octopus

Cephalopods are an intriguing family of mollusks to begin with; especially considering that cephalopod means “head-foot” when it’s translated. Imagine having your brains in your foot, and your body not consisting of much else. It does get even more entertaining than that when looking specifically at the Giant Pacific Octopus. Just as the name states, ...

Karla News

Amazing Animal Facts About Cockroaches

Cockroaches are some of the creepiest crawlies in the insect kingdom, but these cockroach facts prove there’s more to these pests than mere yuckiness. Read on to learn 8 of the most amazing true animal facts about cockroaches, and prepare to be astonished by these incredibly resilient creatures, and their truly unique qualities. These facts ...

Karla News

Raising Alpacas for Profit-Some Cautions Nearly 2,000 Americans are now raising alpacas, those pretty animals that are cousins to the llama, in the camel family, and come from the cold Andean Mountains. They are commercially useful only for their fine, silky fur which used to be spun into yarn and worn only by the Incan Indian royalty. This business ...

Karla News

Unusual Animal Facts

If you are thinking about getting a pet and want something a little bit out of the ordinary here are some unusual animal facts about some of the pets you might consider owning. Every thought of keeping a Sugar Glider as a pet? Although native only to Australia and a few other places they are ...

Karla News

Field Trip Lesson: Zoo Animal Facts for Kids

Taking your kids to the zoo can be an entertaining way to pass an otherwise lazy Saturday afternoon, but it can also be educational. As your kids learn about each animal, they will store that information for use on school projects and other activities. These animal facts for kids will expand your child’s knowledge of ...

Karla News

Animal Facts: Pygmy Rabbit

The pygmy rabbit gets its name from the fact that is the smallest rabbit in existent. The only lagomorphs (the group that includes rabbits, hares and pikas) that are smaller then the pygmy rabbit are pikas. There are a lot of important facts about the pygmy rabbit including the fact that most pygmy rabbits die ...