Articles for tag: Anglican Church, Colonies, William Penn

Karla News

The Middle Colonies of British North America in the Mid-18th Century

The heart of the British North American possessions up until America’s independence was the mid-Atlantic colonies, including New York and Pennsylvania. The reasons for the preeminence of the mid-Atlantic were abundant. Unlike the New England and southern colonies, the economy was not imbalanced and depended equally on commerce, agriculture, and overseas trade. This was facilitated ...

Karla News

Two Historic Unitarian Churches in Boston: A Travel Guide

Boston was founded in the name of “religious freedom,” so it is not surprising to that the city has a very interesting history in regards to religion and its churches. Some of that history can be experienced today by the casual traveler. First Church of Boston One of the very first things the founding puritans ...

Karla News

Jonathan Swift: A Biography

The great English satirist Jonathan Swift was born in Dublin, Ireland on November 30, 1667 months after his father died. His mother Abigaile Erick Swift was bankrupted by the loss and Jonathan was taken by his nurse to England until he was four years old. At that time he was sent back to Ireland for ...

Karla News

Troubles in the New American Nation 1781-1789

The period between 1781 and 1789 in American history has often been referred to as a critical period, perhaps the most critical, in the development of American democracy. The passage of the Articles of Confederation following the end of the Revolutionary War reflected the tensions between the revolutionaries-turned-politicians in the new nation. The British had ...

Karla News

John Donne: Brief History, and Poems with Explanation

He was borne in Breed Street in London, 1572, In his youth wrote love poems and was successful. As an old man he wrote meditations and and sermons and was just as successful. He was raised catholic. He experienced much prejudice for his religion. Later on in life he converted to the Anglican Church. No ...