Articles for tag: Anesthetic, Lethal Injection, Medical Ethics

Karla News

Lethal Injection May Cause Horrific Pain and Slow Suffocation

A new medical study says that lethal injection, the accepted practice of putting prisoners to death in the United States, can possibly result in a very slow death. It can be extremely painful, and some inmates may actually be conscious, unable to move, as they suffocate. Public Library of Science (PLoS), an online medical journal, ...

Karla News

Undergoing Dental Extractions Without Anesthetic!

I had been having major teeth problems, and finally I was able to make an appointment, and get the molars that were still in my gums dug out and removed. Extracted, was the medical term they used. They were abscessing and causing me so much problems. The Doctors all said it was normal for those ...

Karla News

What is a Lumbar Puncture and What Will I Experience?

What is a lumbar puncture? A lumbar puncture is a test that is used to extract cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the spinal canal and measure the pressure of the CSF. A lumbar puncture may be ordered as a diagnostic tool to evaluate a patient for certain conditions of the brain or spine, like meningitis, Multiple ...

Karla News

Euthanasia and Fancy Rats – What You Need to Know

Deciding that euthanasia is the best option for an ailing pet is the first step toward saying good-bye. For many pet owners, the good-bye comes before a veterinarian closes a door to take the animal away “to a better place.” For anyone with rats or mice, getting to that better place may involve a great ...

Karla News

Liposuction Vs. SmartLipo

Every year hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on perfecting how we look. Whether it is through beauty treatments or cosmetic surgery, the business of beauty has been hot since ancient times. One of the most popular cosmetic treatments is fat reduction, and two ways to reduce the amount of fat cells in your ...

Common Problems Faced During Dental Anesthesia

I come across many patients who have some sort of complaints about their experience with dental anesthesia. I have tried to compile those in a way which can be helpful for you to refer to. The common problems related to dental anesthesia can be summarized as follows: 1. The last time that you got an ...