Karla News

Central Georgia Volunteer Opportunities: Macon Milledgeville Gray

Abused Animals, Cub Scouts

Volunteering your time is an enriching experience. It is a way to provide services towards a cause that is important to you. I have been able to have experience several different types of volunteering in Central Georgia. In Macon, Milledgeville and Gray Georgia, there are a wide array of opportunities to choose from. I currently work with youth through the scouts, but have done volunteering on occasion through animal rescue causes and with the elderly. Spending just a few hours a month volunteering at local organizations will bring social contacts, teach you new skills, and bring and emotional uplift to your life.

Organizations are always seeking able hands and experienced individuals. The Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts are always looking for volunteers to help. I am currently a Den leader within the Cub Scouts and am active in the scouting committee. This includes planning trip sand guiding the direction that the pack is going. Being a volunteer does not have to be a long term commitment. If you are willing to a leader, that is great; but just being able to help with a project or present at a single meeting is a great help to those organizing meetings. Ask what projects are coming up within the organizations. It will amaze you how active these youth organizations are on a weekly basis. Carpentry, baking, painting or even professional skills can come in handy. group meetings often have special guests from the community who outline their career or explain a real world skill set to the children. This 15 minute presentation could change the course of a child’s life.

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For more information about becoming a Cub Scout or Boy Scout volunteer, click here.

For more information about becoming a Girl Scout volunteer, click here.


Another place with a high need for volunteers is animal shelters and animal rescue groups. These organizations often are working hard to save the lives of unwanted or abused animals. There is always a need for shelter help to clean cages, pick up pet yards, walk dogs, pet cats, wash pet blankets, disinfect toys and sweep floors. Volunteer opportunities to assist animals occur outside of the shelter sometimes. I have been involved with transporting animals from shelters to animal rescue organizations, creating goods for fundraising bake sales and donating items for yard sales. Contact a local shelter or animal rescue organization to find out how you can get started. South Haven Dogs has some Central Georgia resources to get you started.


A final way I have been able to volunteer is with the elderly. Being able to spend time with them one on one, assist with a celebration or just sit and play cards with a group for a few minutes makes a big difference in their day. A fond memory of recent days was combining two of my volunteering worlds. I was able to bring a scouting group to two local nursing homes to hand out Christmas Cards. The residents were overjoyed and the children’s lives were enriched by the experience. Contact a local long term care facility in the phone book and ask for the Activities Director. The Activities Director will be able to inform you about facility’s specific needs and desires are.

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There have been recent studies proving that volunteering increases longevity, reduces depression and reduces the incidence of heart disease in volunteers. More reasons to get out there and find volunteer opportunities. Start small if you need! Pledge two hours this month. It will be worth it.