Articles for tag: Alpha Dog, Barking

Karla News

Stop Your Dog’s Nuisance Barking

Barking is a natural form of communication for dogs. Barking is a part of their nature so you will never be able to stop barking completely. In some dog breeds, such as the Working and Herding Groups, barking is more ingrained in their nature, as they were originally bred to protect livestock and people. Barking ...

Karla News

Can Domestic Cats Be Trained?

Cats are always being compared to dogs. Cats are often perceived to be independent wild creatures while dogs have a reputation of being eager to please and trainable. It is true that with enough positive and negative reinforcements, all animals can be trained to do circus tricks. Whether or not this is ethical is another ...

Karla News

The Importance of Being the Alpha Dog

What is the alpha dog? It’s the leader of the pack. It’s the dog the other dogs defer to; the one they respect the most; the one that makes the decisions; the one that lays down the rules; the one that is capable of enforcing the rules and keeping the pack in line. What most ...

Karla News

How to Become the Alpha Dog During Dog Training

Dogs are pack animals, which means that there is always a leader — or “Alpha Dog” — in the pack to whom all of the other animals defer. When it comes to dog training, you as the owner must become the alpha dog to ensure obedience and respect. If you allow your dog to believe ...

Karla News

What to Do If Your Dog is Aggressive

A good pet is not just a pet, they are a member of the family. The idea of ‘just getting rid of them’ does not come easily. Would you get rid of your child when they hit adolescence and begin to rebel? When a dog is aggressive, they can be dangerous. They may growl or ...

Karla News

Female Alpha Dog Behavior? You Betcha’

I have a friend who says she’ll only go out with one other woman at a time –Dyads–she calls them. Why? She says when women are together in groups of 3 or 4, there’s a noticeable jockeying for power akin to the alpha dog tactics in animal groups. She doesn’t trust them, for she says: ...

Karla News

Justin Timberlake in Alpha Dog

I never thought that I would be writing anything praising Justin Timberlake’s acting skills, but I saw Alpha Dog and have to say he stole the show. When I first saw previews I thought that he would have a minor role in the film just so his fans would help ticket sales. I have to ...